Monday, May 7, 2012

Our Biggest Adventure Yet.

Hello everyone.

Man, do we have a lot to catch you up on. I'm going to see if I can write this blog before the girls wake up to eat (we have roughly 15 minutes). As I type Kate is lounging in my arms and her butt keeps hitting the mouse on my computer, so this will make the blog just a little more interesting :)

Well, first things first. We moved back to Chicago last week. What?!?  Are you crazy? You have two little babies. Move to Chicago, when all your family is in KC?  I know that is probably what you are thinking. But this is a God sized moved and He has made his presence known in every step of the way. We had to keep this low key the last few months.The reason we moved back to Chicago was because Austin got his dream youth pastor job at our old Church , Park Community Church. We are friends with a lot of the students in the youth ministry and it wasn't announced to them until this past week, and we didn't want to be the spoilers of the surprise. Nobody likes the surprise spoilers :)

This adventure started before the girls were even born. Austin was working full time at Applebee's corporate headquarters and part time as a youth pastor and putting in over 90 hours a week.We knew that this wasn't something that could be continued with the girls on the way. We made a big decision that Austin would pursue a full time ministry position. We didn't know how it was all going to work, but in the end it did! We ended up back in Chicago with Austin working at Park.

The girls have been fabulous with all of the changes. We are finally trying to get them on a schedule. As you can imagine, we went back and forth to Chicago to look for apartments and interviews and there was no such thing as a schedule for the girls. While we miss our sweet family in Kansas City we know this is where God has placed us and we are excited to be back in the city!


  1. i love you and support you guys in everything you are doing. I know that you are exactly where you are supposed to be and that God has big things in store for the fam. :)

  2. Sara how exciting!!! Where are you living in Chicago! We must meet up so I can meet the new additions to your family! I will come to YOU :)


  3. PS is there a way to "follow" you on this blog site so I can get the updates right away rather than hearing it through the grape vine?? :)
