Sunday, September 16, 2012

Kansas City

In my last blog, I mentioned the girls and I spent a week in KC. It was such a fabulous time. We were able to catch up with some family and friends, attend a NICU reunion and I was even able to attend a wedding of one of my sweet friends from high school. 

On Saturday, the girl and I (and my mom!) went to the girls NICU reunion. We had such a great time and we were able to see so many people who are near and dear to our heart. Going through time in the NICU is full of emotional ups and downs (I'm tearing up as I write this). No one really knows what it's like unless you have gone through it with your children. But, one thing that really made it a little easier on us was that we had the most fabulous nurses. Seriously, it made all the difference. On the day I had to leave the hospital and my sweet girls had to stay, I was a wreck. Austin had already had to go back to work (it was about a week after the girls were born) so I went to say good bye to Kate and Grace and I lost it. Their nurse for the day came over and hugged me and told me that she promised that she wouldn't take them on their first pony ride or take them to the zoo. She said all she was going to  do was make sure they ate, slept and pooped. While it was so silly, it was just what I needed. After we were discharged, the girls got admitted to Children's and one of the nurse practioners found out about it and called me to see how the girls and I were doing. We weren't even at the same hospital. They were seriously the best. All of this to say, it was such a treat and joy to see these wonderful people again. 

These were some of our great nurses!

We got to see a lot of family in KC as well. The girls are really starting to go through seperation anxiety, so we had a little trouble with that while we were there. But, for the most part, they did excellent with the people coming in and out of their day. 

The girls with Austin's parents

The girls with their cousin Annalise. They LOVE her!

Finally, I was able to go to an old friends wedding. It was the first time since the girls were born that I have really just to go out with girl friends without them and it was a blast. I laughed so hard. It was good for the soul. 

The best part of KC? Hanging with my mom. She's the best, and I am so blessed to have such a wonderful relationship with her! I can only hope I have the same kind of relationship with my sweet girls!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Bed Time

I feel like every other post is about sleep, or lack there for. 
Never fear, this one is about sleep too. 

The girls and I spent the last week in KC. We had a fabulous time, but the girls got spoiled. They were rocked to sleep every night, they got to sleep in the living room, and if they didn't want to take a nap they didn't have to. They loved every moment of it, but we sure are paying for it now. 

Since we have been home, it has been exceptionally rough. Austin has been a trooper (He did have a week of sleeping through the night). The girls FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT sleep. As a result we have two crabby babies. I feel like Austin and I are zombies. We go through the motions of everyday life and drink a lot of coffee. LOTS AND LOTS OF COFFEE. 

The way Grace fights sleep is she rolls around in her crib and flails her arms and legs. She then gets into an incredibly awkward position and we will move her and she begins all over again. 

Case and Point. 

Kate on the other hands lays in her crib and blows raspberries. She then starts babbling until there is a excessive amount of noise coming from their nursery. 

I seriously think we might lose our minds soon. No joke. 

In other news, I took the girls to the park the other day and stepped in dog poop. Then Grace proceeded to kick my shoe and get it all over her. Awesome mom moment. But, I wouldn't want to have missed it for the world. I love my sweet girls, with dog poop on them and all.