Friday, October 5, 2012

A long over do update.

The girls hit their 7 month mark on the second. I can't even believe it. It doesn't seem like it was that long since they were 4 pound babies, and now they are hitting the scale around 15 pounds. It blows my mind.

Since I last wrote a blog, we had baby dedication at church. We are so thankful for such a wonderful church and fabulous community. While none of our KC family was able to join us, our Chicago family (Parker and Jillian) were. We are hoping to get a video to share with you all soon.

Grace is so goofy. She is our mover and grover, and she is crawling! Well, she crawled like 3 times so she is basically crawling. She has been rolling where ever she wants to go for a good two months now, and we knew this day would be coming soon. It's time to bring on the baby proofing. Both girls are sitting up great, and Grace loves to read books, go to the park and play with her crinkle books!

Kate is so joyful. She is such a smiley baby. Recently (last 24 hours) she started saying da da. I have to say, this broke my heart a little, I have been working on ma ma with both girls form the time they were still in my belly! Eh, but Kate is a daddies girl through and through so it was to be expected and exciting all the same. I still have hope that Grace will say ma ma first :)

This last week, my type one diabetes kicked my butt. It landed me admitted to Northwestern for DKA. The night I was admitted our sweet friends Amy and Josh came and helped us with the girls, it was a huge blessing. The next day my mommy flew up.It was just so fabulous to see her and to have an extra set of hands while I recuperated. Having your mommy around is just good for the soul :) They had told me to expect to be in the hospital for at least for 48 hours but I won the super star award and was there about 24 hours before being discharged. The whole thing came down to the fact that I haven't been taking great care of myself, but this was a huge wake up call for both Austin and I on how things can escalate so fast! We have already made changes to make sure it doesn't happen again any time soon!

I hope to post the baby dedication video soon. Austin also took a video of Kate being so silly, I will try to put that up later as well!

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