Friday, April 6, 2012

The Olympics of Medical Professionals

I have seen a lot of Doctors in my life due to my type 1 diabetes. But, I never really realized how medical professionals should be ranked until I had Kate and Grace.

Bronze Medal:
These are the medical professionals who know their stuff, but just want to get you in and out of their office. I have experienced a few bronze medal medical professionals but in my experience they are few and far between. They are more concerned about their pay check then they are about making sure you have your questions answered.

Silver Medal:
These are Medical professionals who are great. They listen to your concerns and don't look at you like you are an idiot and don't know what you are talking about. This would be your most common medical professional.

Gold Medal:
These are the star medical professionals and the point of all of this rambling that you have been so patient in reading. We have been blessed to have mainly type of individuals these during my pregnancy and this last month since the girls have been here. (Shout out to all of our NICU nurses... seriously, you guys are the best.)

One person in my mind who needs a gold medal is the girls pediatrician. We went to Dr. Powell's office based on the recommendation of the NICU team and they have been wonderful. After Kate was admitted to the hospital the Dr actually called me just to see how I was holding up and if there was anything they could do for us. Then yesterday after what we will call one of Kate's blueberry spells (she holds her breath and turns blue, it can be pretty traumatic) there was a knock on our door and the nurse walked in holding balloons and a teddy bear. The girls pediatrician sent it over just to let us know the office was still thinking about us. Gold medal Dr. Powell's office, Gold medal.

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