Tuesday, April 10, 2012

We're Home!

We are finally all home from the hospital!

For those of you who don't know, Kate and Grace were born premature and spent the first 4 weeks of life in the NICU at Centerpoint Hospital. (This is standard procedure for preemie babies.) Fortunately there were no major health issues with either Grace or Kate, so after they both had gained enough weight, maintained their body temperatures, and were eating well, they were allowed to come home (Grace on March 27 and Kate on March 29.)

After the girls came home we spent about 36 hours together at home, just the four of us, before we discovered that Grace had developed a fever of over 100. On Saturday (March 31) around 5 AM we took Grace up to the ER and they quickly transferred her to Children's Mercy South where she was admitted for the weekend. All the tests came back negative and on Monday morning Grace was discharged; we thought we were in the clear.

Then Monday afternoon came around, and the same thing happened to Kate. She had a high fever and was also admitted to Children's Mercy. It took her a little longer to fight off whatever bug had made her sick, but we were finally able to discharge her from the hospital yesterday.

Everyone is home again; all four of us under one roof! Both girls are really healthy and doing great. They are over 7 pounds now! Thank you to everyone who was praying for them; we can't tell you how much we appreciate your love and support!

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