Tuesday, September 17, 2013


I like to blog in spurts. Clearly.

Actually, I really do like to blog in general, but I just sometimes forget.

Kate and Grace love each other, a lot.

I was really blessed to grow up with a great brother and sister.

Side story about my brother...

 Growing up, my mom always told us that she didn't need to know what was going on unless it was immoral, could cause us physical harm in someway or life threatening. I told on Brian a lot. Like the time he sprayed axe (the obnoxious cologne that middle school boys decide to cover themselves in) in the house and then lit it on fire. He was mad at me, but i felt like my life was in danger. I'm pretty sure he got in trouble for that.


A few months ago my Sister moved to Chicago. Check out her blog here. It has been wonderful, I love my sister so very much. I also love that Grace and Kate get to spend so much time with her. I find that the hardest part of being in Chicago is being away from my family.

I know my sweet girls have a special bond. One of their first words was "sissssssy!" If you ask them where their sissy is they grab hands and try to get close to each other. If they have a hard time finding sissy, things get sad. I mean,how would it not. This is the person that they have really never been separated from.

Most days it's a struggle for them to take a nap or go to bed. How would you handle having your best friend over for a sleep over every single night. They just giggle and giggle and talk and talk. They are hysterical.

Well, it's hysterical after they take a nap or go to sleep. But, they just love each other so.

Seeing them with each other really makes me question how anyone gets through life without a twin.
In elementary school I had a serious obsession with Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen, I wanted to be a twin. Life as a twin just looked awesome. Now, being a mom of twins, I have to say I'm pretty sure it is as awesome as it was in my head as an elementary school girl.

I mean, how are you supposed to constantly feed yourself. You need a twin to feed you when you get tired.

When you are lonely, you need a twin to snuggle with.

Or, when your paci falls out, you need a twin to put it back in.

How about a back scratch. You have a twin for that.

I just an not sure how we have all managed to survive.. But somehow we did.

I am so thankful for the special relationship my sweet girls share and the love they have for each other!

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