Friday, September 13, 2013

The Meanest Parents EVER.

Austin and I often joke that we are the meanest parents ever. 

It's a hard job, but someone has to do it. 

Tonight, Austin and I took away the girls bottles for good. It's okay, go ahead and judge us. 

I know, the girls are 18 months old. I know they don't need bottles to go to sleep. And, I know we have waited too long to do this.

Truth be told, we are just exhausted.

That's why we have waited until now. I am always so (truly) happy for parents who have babies that sleep good. Really, I am. But, Kate and Grace don't sleep well at all. They never have. Most nights i feel like they never will. But, I know these long sleepless nights will only be a memory when they are teenagers (HA. YEAH RIGHT, we will never let them sleep in ever just as revenge. Just kidding :) ) We just tend to think that they like to be around us, that is why they get up multiple times a night. 

That being said, bottles are easy at 1:00 in the morning, and 3:00 and 4:30 and 5:45, well you get the picture. 

The other part of taking away the bottles is that the girls have figured out how to unscrew the bottle cap and pour the entire contents of their bottle onto their cribs. I think we may have some future engineers on our hangs. 

If you can unscrew the bottle cap, you don't need a bottle. 

So tonight, we were reminded about how mean we really were. For our next mean feat, we will take away paci's. 

Don't worry, we are only doing one mean thing at a time :) 

We would love to hear any tips on taking away bottles/ paci's/ ect. 

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