Wednesday, June 12, 2013

60 Blogs in 60 Days, Take Two.

Last year, I really really tried to write 60 blogs in 60 days. Really.

I had a good start and then fizzled out. I think there were a number of things that contributed to the fizzle.

Maybe the fact that I had twin babies. Eh, could be.
Or Maybe, when I did have time to write about the happenings of our ever so exciting life I decided all I wanted to do was pass out on the couch instead.

Often, I just had the idea that our lives really weren't that important for people to read about. I was just going about what seemed normal for me and every once in a while I would come to the realization that the situation we are in is unique and important. Grace and Kate bring so much joy to so many people and sometimes I just forget that. I just become so use to the blessing they are that it just becomes "normal".

Now, my babies really aren't babies anymore. They are 15 months old and running around like crazy. They are pulling hair, throwing food and yelling "NO,NO", "ball", "puppy", and many other things. I feel like we are this crazy tornado that causes chaos where ever we go.

But honestly, it's getting better.

I went back to work in January. It was one of the best decisions we could have made for our family. I am wired to work and be a professional, and I am a much more delightful person to be around since I've gone back to work. Seriously, just ask Austin. While I think being a stay at home mom is an awesome calling, it's not mine.

All of that to say, I feel like i'm not living in the tornado of chaos fog any more.

We were in KC this last week and I was talking to my mom. I was telling her that I really don't feel like I remember anything about Grace and Kate being itty bitty. She told me that is the way we are programmed so we can have more kids down the line. Ha, I believe it. Then, she promptly told me stories about when I was 2 and would stand in my room screaming, for hours and hours, because I didn't want to go to bed. (I guess she still remembers that!)

So, why 60 blogs in 60 days? Because I want to be real. So often, I find it's easy to tell everyone about the wonderful things the girls are doing and you might not hear about how Kate's new favorite sport is trying to rip out mommy's hair from the roots (I only wish I was making this up). Share in our failures as well as our triumphs, and just laugh with us. Because, that is what we do.  We laugh and look forward to what the next day might hold, as long as we have a cup of coffee in our hands.

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