Sunday, June 30, 2013

Raising Vegetarian Kids.

About a year ago I made the decision to switch to a soft vegan (every once in a while I'll have a desert with animal products) diet.
I did it due to the fact, I'm just not a huge fan of meat.

Since that time, I have seen a lot of positive changes.

Austin still eats meat (sometimes).

But, we made the choice to raise K and G on a vegetarian diet.

We are constantly looking for new meal ideas for them. Recently, I feel like we have been in a recipe rut.

All of this to say I have found an amazing website. It's a blog called What Vegan Kids Eat. Love it. ( Thanks Pintrest!)

Yesterday, I went to the grocery store by myself and I bought enough food to make 15 freezer vegan crock pot meals.


Austin helped me put them together last night when I got home and we had such a fun time.

Austin is actually a awesome cook and does 95% of the cooking at our house. I'm pretty sure he would rock Master Chef.

So, check out the blog. It's a great resource if you want to introduce a few more plant base meals into your diet.

In totally unrelated news, here are some pictures of Grace and  Kate. Just because they are so stinking cute.

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