Tuesday, June 25, 2013


Last night was a rough night.

I was initially going to write about how the girls walked home from the park holding our hands yesterday. It was so sweet and fun.

And then,. last night happened.

Don't get me wrong, Kate and Grace are the sweetest. But, when they get tired...man watch out.

Kate has been throwing temper tantrums lately. Well, she really only throws them for me. She has never thrown one for Austin.

I think it's just because she feels so comfortable around me :)

So, last night. Austin was at work and I put the girls to bed...Well, Grace never feel asleep. Then she woke up Kate.

Kate was not happy. She let Grace and I know for over 20 minutes. I have pictures of her throwing her tantrum that I sent to Austin just to let him know what he was missing. And, just to let him know that he was missed :)

I decided against showing her tantrum pictures because she would kill me in about 15 years if she found out they were on the internet.

But, I will show you the aftermath.

After we decided to calm down, we feel asleep on the floor.

Then, Grace decided to go rub Kate's head. She was really concerned about her when she was having her tantrum.

Anyways. This is our real life. Tantrums and all. 

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