Saturday, June 15, 2013

A Home Goods Super Find.

Day Four:

Today has been a busy day.

Austin and I are running the Chicago marathon in October, and today was our first long run. The girls were not thrilled that they had to join us on the run. After about 5 miles they were done. After our run, we had to grab a few things at the grocery store, and they made it clear to everyone in the store that they were not happy.

Well, until I bought them crackers (I'm not above toddler bribery).

Today one of the errands we had to run was to Home Goods. I LOVE Home Goods. Austin does not. But, we were in desperate need of new measuring cups, so to Home Goods we headed.

There was no way I was going to go into Home Goods and literally just buy measuring cups (I think this is why Austin doesn't like it ).

So, as we were meandering through the many wonderful aisles of goodness that is Home Goods we stumbled upon this little jewel.

A sparkle playroom rules sign. 

I have been looking for a cute girly playroom sign since we moved into our new place about two months ago. I feel like I searched so many different places for one that wasn't gender neutral. Our house is not a gender neutral house :) Although, we did buy a darker color couch for Austin to help neutralize all of the pink. 

The biggest news about the sign is... Austin was the one who found it! Ha! I just walked past it. 

And it was only $20. That is what we call a steal friends. 

Here it is in the girls room. Love it! 

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