Thursday, June 20, 2013

A story that will make you shake your head.

Day 5ish. 

Well, I made it four days without missing any days... and then I dropped off the face of the blogging earth again. 

I guess the only thing I can say in my defense is that I really like sleep. And, typically, blogging happens after the girls go to bed. 

Yesterday, we took the girls to the pediatrician. It was technically for their 15 month appointment, but it ended up being closer to 16 months. Eh, it's the effort that counts :) 

We started at a new pediatrician due to the fact that it is less then half a mile from our place. You can't beat that. We loved our old pediatrician, but the thought of trying to get the girls there on my own gave me nightmares. 

So, we changed to a new one. He is a nice guy. I'm pretty sure he was overwhelmed by the chaos that we brought with us. Maybe it was the girls running around the room pushing all of the stools. Whatever keeps them entertained. 

G and K are very picky about people, and they made it clear that he was not their favorite. Awesome. 

He then told us that they were one of the most identical sets of twins that he had ever seen. That's funny, because they are fraternal. I mean, they do look a lot a like, but they aren't identical. 

But, other then that it was an uneventful visit. The girls are very healthy and active. Kate weighed in at 21 pounds (10th percentile) and Grace weighed in at 20 pounds (5th percentile). They both are 29 1/2 inches tall (10th percentile). This was pretty much what I expected due to the fact that they are still in 9-12 month clothes at almost 16 months :) 

So, all in all. It was a great appointment. 

In other news, here is a story that will make you shake your head. 
Background: Austin and I were in the elevator with the girls. There was another man in the elevator with us, and a lady comes on the elevator. 

Lady: Are they twins? 
Me: Yes, they are.
Lady: Oh, are they paternal? 
Me: Well, they are fraternal.
Lady: Oh, so they are identical?
Me: No, they are fraternal, although they look very similar.
Lady: Are you sure? Because I think they are identical. How do you know?
Me: They had separate placentas.
Lady: What's that?
Me: (trying to explain separate placentas in a non-awkward way for the sake of the gentlemen in the elevator)
Lady: Oh, so are they twins?
Me: No, we just had one baby and then cloned it immediately after birth.
Lady: Oh! I've heard of that. Any side effects?
Me: One of them has a super powers.

***The actual conversation ended after my explanation of the separate placentas...****

Have a lovely day!

1 comment:

  1. I wish your conversation hadn't ended where it really did! hahah.
