Saturday, June 22, 2013

Mom Fails

Day 7.

There have been a lot of things that I would consider a big ol' fail when it comes to being a mom. If we are being honest, every mom has them. And, if you are anything like me it probably happens multiple times a day. I'm just being real here :)

Well, today here was my Mom fail.

It actually starts with last night. We didn't get the girls to bed until around 11. OPPS. But, the beautiful thing about that was that they didn't wake up until around 8 am. What?? This is unheard of in the Hey household. We have our morning alarm (Grace and Kate) go off without fail by 6:15 at the latest.

So, needless to say, our schedule was a little off today. Okay, a lot.

On top of that Austin had his summer kick off for the Student Ministry. So we got to spend the majority of the day at church with little to no nap for the girls.

We got home it was around 3ish. I can see the wheels turning in your head. It's getting a little tricky, right.

Austin and I were exhausted so we put Kate and Grace in their cribs for some quiet time. That's what we call nap time where we really don't know if they need naps, but we know we really need a break. Don't worry, they get toys.

And low and behold, noise stops coming out of their room around 4. Austin is taking a nap at this point and I am browsing Pintrest and doing some online shopping.

The next thing I notice, it's 7:45 (well actually more like 8:00, but 7:45 sounds better) and I realize that I hear someone  in the nursery. Opps. I let the girls take a nap until 8:00.

So, bed time didn't happen until 11:00.

Here's to another 8 am wake up call :)

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