Saturday, August 4, 2012

60 blogs in 60 days.

I'm going to attempt the impossible. I'm going to try to blog 60 times in 60 days. The purpose of this is to give you a real glimpse of what life is like with twins in many different situations. 

Day One.


We have been very blessed. Kate and Grace have been great sleepers. Ever since about 3 months they have slept through the night (6-8 hours), but recently things have since changed. The girls just will not sleep through the night. Nothing in our routine has changed. We still do baths, lotion, mobiles and prayers but we can't seem to make it through the night. 

The other aspect of this is that the girls don't wake up at the same time and refuse to go back to sleep unless they are rocked for a good while (some nights up to an hour). At the time that one falls asleep the other just happens to wake up. This leaves two very tired babies and a very tired mommy and daddy. 

Have any of you experienced this with your little ones ? I'd love to hear advise! 

1 comment:

  1. A good friend of mine at PVBC-KCI has young twin daughters, about age 6. Donovan said the key is to get both girls on the same schedule. He said they would wake up the girls, if necessary, to establish a routine. Several months ago my Mom, who had twins, gave me the same advise. Hope this helps.
