Thursday, August 30, 2012

The Park

Day ???

I have no idea what day of the blog this is. I have to apologize. The last thing I have been thinking about when the girls finally go to bed is blogging. All I want to do is veg out on the couch or collapse into bed. Being a mom of twins is tough work. Austin works so hard so that I can stay home with the girls, and there are so many perks to being a stay at home mom. One of those things is the ability to take random trips to the park. Austin some times gets to join us after work. We got to try the swing for the first time this last week. They loved it! 

Here are some pictures from our park adventure. 

Kate swinging for the first time!

Grace swinging for the first time!

The girls love to be outside!

We are full of treats for you today. Here are some videos. We know you all need your Kate and Grace fix!

Video of Grace at the park!

Video of Kate at the park!

In other news, we had our 6 month check up today. It is so hard to believe that the girls are almost 6 months old. They got excellent reports. Both are weighing 14 pounds! Austin and I are so blessed to have such wonderful girls. 

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