Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Mommy and The Girls

Day 13ish.

15 hours. 11 hours down, 4 to go. 
15 hours managing the girls on my own. I woke up dreading this day (shoot, things just got real here.) Not that I don't love being with my sweet girls, but taking care of twins on your own is TOUGH. It is overwhelming, frustrating, and the best job ever all in one. But, much to my surprise this day has gone incredibly well. I feel like the girls are finally getting on a schedule (I know, they are almost 6 months old, it's about time.) Also, Austin will be home in 4 hours. We can totally do 4 hours. 

We received our first shipment of Cloth Diapers in the mail today! So excited, it seems like Christmas morning. While I am excited, I am also a little nervous about this endeavor. At least they are really cute! 

For any cloth diapering mommas out there I found a great deal on BumGenius on the Cotton Babies website. You can buy 5 and get 2 free. As you all probably know, I'm a sucker for a good deal so we have bought 14 of them! We will probably buy 7 more before the deal is up (at the end of the month). 

The girls went to the chiropractor with me today. They are always a hit, but they were not having any of it today. 

In other news, this is what play time looked like today. Grace can not stay still for the life of her. 

Three hours until Austin's home. Not like I'm counting down or anything! 

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