Monday, August 13, 2012

Cloth Diapering Twins

Day 9. 

This is probably the first of many posts on this topic. So, prepare yourself for the saga/journey we are about to embark on. 

We ran out of diapers today. Well Sara, you do have two babies so it makes since that you would go through diapers like they are going out of style. We have been blessed. When I was pregnant there was a diaper shower thrown for us. Austin LOVED this because we have probably had to spend less then $50 on diapers since the girls were born. 

We are switching to cloth diapers. This was something I was TOTALLY against from the beginning, but after much research and number crunching we are making the plunge. We found that with cloth diapers we will save over $2000 a year. Seriously, that is a lot of cash money! This was what sent Austin over the edge on the cloth diapers. I just like how fashionable they are :) . 

We are going with the bumgenius 4.0. I love a lot of things about these diapers and I have only heard great reviews from everyone that has used them. One big thing I love about these diapers is the company. They have a program that they will send cloth diapers to missionaries to alleviate the cost of infant care!
Check it out here!

We are excited for this new adventure. And we are excited to share the journey with you !

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