Monday, August 20, 2012

How Do We Do It?

Day 12.

When we are out and about there are a number of things that happen on any given trip. We are always stared at, someone always comes to close and tries to talk to us way too long, and we are always asked the question, "How do you manage two babies? I can barley keep my head on straight with one." Well, we by no means have this figured out, but we have found a few tricks that keep us sane. 

1. The girls whiteboard. 

This is how we keep track of who ate what, who pooped when ,and who is excessively sleep deprived. I made this when we couldn't remember who's turn it was to eat, and since it has been a life saver! We don't always keep track, but for the most part it is a must in our house. This also allows anyone else who may be over to know what is going on without us having to recount every moment of the girls day. 

2. The Mommy and Daddy Calender. 

We bought a big desk calender and we have everything that is going on in our life in it. We have the times that Austin has work stuff going on, we have Dr. appointments, and play dates. This gives us the ability to make sure the girls always have someone available to watch them and mommy and daddy on the same page. We try to sync up at least once a week. 

3. Crock Pot!

I love my Crock Pot. This is pretty much the only way we get a decent dinner on the table before 10pm. I think a good Crock Pot cook book may be part of my shower go to gift because it has given me the ability to keep some constancy in our ever changing lives! 

4. Date Night. 

Since Austin and I started dating we always made date night a priority. It has gotten a little more challenging since we have had the girls. I am a little protective of them to say the least and I had a really hard time (and still do)  letting someone else watch them. We have been so blessed to have found a GREAT sitter for the girls. She is getting ready to move, and she will be very missed by us! But, Austin and I are dedicated to keeping our friendship a top priority and we are able to do that by our weekly date! 

So, that's how we do it. But, when in doubt we wing it. 

Grace wanted to say Hi!

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