Sunday, August 12, 2012


Day 8.

Grace and Kate are very happy babies, and we are very blessed by this fact. But over the last week or so we have begun the teething phase. While I'm sure teething is horrible with one baby, with two going through it at the same time is just down right awful. It has turned my sweet little smiley babies into screaming babies, who don't want to sleep and only want to eat and be held. 

This last week we were very blessed that Austin had a light work load and was able to help out a lot, I would have lost my mind otherwise. We did give in and get Sophie the Giraffe.                                                    

Above is the bigger version, but we went with the one that doesn't squeak. We have enough noise in our lives :) 

I tried the baby Popsicles (made from formula) that I found on Pintrest and the girls didn't want anything to do with them. They just screamed bloody murder when I let them suck on them. I don't think they liked the fact that they were frozen. Last night, I was not sure what to do so I did what anyone would do and I called my mom. I mean she managed to get through teething with my brother, sister and I so I figured she had some good tips. She suggested that we wet a wash cloth and put it in the freezer and let them chew on that, I am planning on trying that as well. In addition, baby Tylenol  is our best friend right now :) ( In moderation, of course.)

So, here's to teething with twins :) 
We Love Sophie The Giraffe!

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