Saturday, August 11, 2012

Daddy Daughter Night

Day 7.

Last night was the first night Sara was away from Grace and Kate overnight. She was a leader/chaperone for an student ministry girls event. So while Sara hung out JR HIGH and SR HIGH students, I had the pleasure and task of taking care of Kate and Grace all evening and night. It was a tough night for Sara as she missed the girls so much, but for me it was fun to have some alone time with just my daughters.

Overall the evening went very well. Both girls were very fussy all evening, so we all went on an hour long walk which seemed to calm them down. They both love being outdoors, especially when the temperature is in the 70s with a little breeze. By 8 o'clock we had returned home and the girls were hungry, so I fed them bottles, gave them baths and put them down in their cribs to sleep. After about 20 minutes of fighting sleep both girls were out.

I'm typically a night owl, but since the girls have been getting up in the middle of the night more often, I have become more and more sleep deprived. I only made it to 10 o clock before I, too, crashed. For those who know me, this is extremely early.

I love daddy/daughter time. I love getting to take care of the girls, getting to play with them, getting to give them baths and getting to just admire the beauty and innocence of my daughters. I am truly a blessed man and I thank God for entrusting me with the care and love of my gorgeous wife and two daughters.

Girls, I'm looking forward to more daddy/daughter dates and I can't wait to treat you as the princesses God made you to be.

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