Monday, August 6, 2012


Day Three.

When we found out we were having two girls Austin knew he would be in trouble. Three girls in the house would mean three times the clothes, three times the shoes, three times the emotions, pretty much three times everything. One thing that has already become apparent is that with twin girls is that there is three times the talking in the house. 

While Grace and Kate sure do look similar, they are VERY different people. Kate has always hit the verbal milestones before Grace, she was the first to smile, babble and laugh. Since Kate started "talking" there hasn't been much quite in our house (who are we kidding, there has never been much quite in our house since they were born.) While it took Grace a little longer to start "talking" she has sure made up for the time that Kate was "talking" and she wasn't.

One of my new favorite things is the fact that the girls will talk to each other. I don't know if they are really communicating with each other, but it sure is hysterical. I do know that Austin and I are in trouble because I'm pretty confident that they are talking about us in a language that we can't understand and I'm sure it's only going to get worse from here. Tonight, the girls and I were on our way to pick up Austin from Bible Study and they just talked and talked to each other for over ten minutes. Kate started babbling and the second she stopped, Grace started. They match tone and emotion when they have their conversations. They are so  funny. They are such a joy in my life. Just a glimpse into the little things in our lives. 

1 comment:

  1. ADORABLE!! I bet they are hilarious! We thought of your family as we passed through KC on our last stop for CIY move :-)
