Sunday, August 19, 2012

Where have we been?

Day 11ish.

Where have we been? 

I typically blog every night as Austin is giving the girls baths. But the last few days it has been all I have been able to do to fall asleep in bed instead of on the couch. Grace and Kate have not been sleeping again. About every two hours they want to snuggle. We love snuggling, but at 2am it's a little challenging. Austin is such a champ with the girls. He wins daddy of the year award. The girls just LOVE their daddy, and I think he is just awesome as well. Kate, Grace and I are incredibly lucky girls!

Last night they slept 7 hours again. Austin and I were overjoyed to get a few solid hours of sleep. 

In other, more exciting news, Kate is full on giggling. She is so funny, and she thinks I'm funny (at least now, we will re evaluate this in about 15 years). Kate had giggled for me before, but yesterday Austin got to hear her sweet giggle for the first time. Such a sweet time to witness. 

While our hands are so full, you can only imagine how full our hearts are. We are so blessed with these sweet little girls. 

That's really all I have now, but hopefully this week will be filled with sleep for all of us. With sleep comes more blogs. 

This is what happens when we have two sleep deprived, teething babies.
Mommy and Daddy look about the same :) 

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